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Algorithm in Finding A Boyfriend

Here is the most rudimentary theoretical algorithm in finding a boyfriend:

  1.  INITIALIZATION: Set the standards then find the prospective boyfriend. While doing this, your main focus should be improving your personal life; including overall appearance, poise, manners, smile as well progress in your career/academic growth. This is guaranteed to reap  huge payoffs in the future.
  2. ELIMINATE: Build a list of prospective boyfriends then from this list eliminate those under the following categories:
         * Married, Taken, Committed -- unless of course if He's a Muslim
         * Gays, Bi-sexuals -- they're not worth the effort. I am a Born Again Christian myself but I honestly believe that this tendency is absolutely irreversible.
         * Your Bestfriend-- you two might be meant for each other but there is too much risks involved
         * Jerks -- If this guy thinks that he's God's gift to women then don't dare waste your time on him
         * Chinese and Blacks -- this is a personal bias!! haha
         * Those whom you think you will have irreconcillable differences with!!
  3. FINISHED? Does the prospective guy also has eyes for you. If yes, then STOP looking cause you already have a boyfriend!
  4. ITERATE: If the prospective boyfriend does not feel the same way for you despite your gallant efforts of self-improvement then move to the next prospective guy. 'tsugi' Go back to Step 2

  • Improvements in the above mentioned algorithm can ubiquitously found on magazines and other self-help books.
** All known algorithms in finding a boyfriend is in exponential or sub-exponential time.  It becomes increasingly difficult with time; worse, time becomes a function of itself! i.e. O(t)=√(lnt)te

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